Pre-PA Student Resources

Tools to help you at every step of your PA School Admissions journey.

PA Admissions Info


Canadian PA School Admission Requirements Comparison Chart

See a side-by-side comparison of PA Admission Requirements for PA programs in Canada.

Welcome to the Canadian PA Community!

Hi, I’m Anne, practicing Canadian PA and Pre-PA Coach and Mentor!

I’ve had 10+ years working as a PA, and have been involved in leadership, advocacy, mentoring, teaching and employment of PAs. I have unique insight into what makes a strong PA candidate and patient advocate, and can provide personalized, honest feedback and guidance specific to your unique journey.

Book a free PA Coaching Discovery Call with me. Complete our Pre-PA survey, and you’ll be taken to a booking page where you can schedule a call with me to discuss your Pre-PA Journey, and how we can work together.

🎓 Path to PA School: Insights from Successful PA Applicants

By learning from those who have successfully navigated this path, aspiring PAs can gain valuable insights and strategies to enhance their own applications.

  • Canadian Pre-PA Student Network

    Become a part of our free vibrant facebook community by joining the Canadian Pre-PA Student Network on Facebook.

    You’ll meet fellow Pre-PA students, current PA students and practicing PAs answering Q&A!