Pradha, 1st time Applicant

I had a phenomenal experience with the editing service as they really focused on providing suggestions of how to change and provided reasons why rather than just making changes themselves. I preferred it as it helps with other applications and makes you think a different way about how you answer questions. Not only were you provided thorough details of constructive criticism, you also got told what areas were done well and how they can be further improved.

I really enjoyed that there was a structure in the feedback as well, where each feedback is separated by different suggestions. Overall, I feel 1,000x more confident with my statement and feel that it accurately showcases my desire to become a PA.

I would highly recommend this service to others where possible. It helps with fine-tuning and provides perspective from PAs who have gone through the programs and know what they are looking for.”

Interviewed at Manitoba, UofT and McMaster • Accepted at manitoba, uoft and mcmaster

I am a Canadian trained and certified Physician Assistant working in Orthopaedic Surgery. I founded the Canadian PA blog as a way to raise awareness about the role and impact on the health care system.

Tori, 1st time Applicant


Anonymous, Re-Applicant