Maegan, Endocrinology & Emergency Medicine PA on the frontlines of COVID-19


Maegan is an outpatient Endocrinology PA now on the frontlines of COVID-19, working in the Emergency Department and Urgent Care Centre at Hamilton Health Sciences


April 2020 - I had been working full time in outpatient Endocrinology before the COVID-19 pandemic. When the opportunity arose to help as part of a COVID-19 relief Physician Assistant team at Hamilton Health Sciences, I knew it was something I was meant to do to lend a helping hand. HHS has been very proactive in preparing for the worst during this pandemic.

They have hired a team of 10 CCPAs, each from different backgrounds and specialities, and have implemented us in different settings for COVID-19 relief, including outpatient urgent care centres, emergency departments and intensive care units.

We were provided with didactic training on various topics including ACLS, pacing and defibrillation, ventilation, as well as diagnoses and management of various urgent/emergent conditions including shock, sepsis and stroke among many others.

The HHS staff have also worked hard to implement our medical directives in a short period of time.

As a team, we have had to stay up to date on hospital protocols and guidelines, which have been changing daily in light of the pandemic.

I am hoping that as a team, we can help raise awareness of the Physician Assistant role, and the positive impact we can make when implemented in various settings both in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and long term.


I am a Canadian trained and certified Physician Assistant working in Orthopaedic Surgery. I founded the Canadian PA blog as a way to raise awareness about the role and impact on the health care system.

Linda, Alberta Rural Medicine PA on the Frontlines of COVID-19


Melissa, Family Medicine PA on the frontlines of COVID-19