Recommended Review Books to Study for the Canadian PA Certification Exam


The Canadian physician assistant certification exam represents a pivotal moment in your career, one that demands thorough preparation and dedication.

Here we have curated a list of Review Books to help you in preparation and study for the PA Certification Exam.


PA Certification Exam Review Books

Although many of the books here are listed as American, you can use still use this to prepare for the Canadian exam. Just be mindful that the units for labs may differ.

Books listed here are by Amazon review rating.

  1. Davis's PA Exam Review: Focused Review for the PANCE and PANRE:

    • Rating: ★★★★★

    • This focused review book includes exam-style questions with detailed explanations. Use this resource to target specific topics and reinforce your understanding of challenging subjects. Create mini quizzes using the book's questions and monitor your performance to identify areas that need further review.

  2. PANCE and PANRE Question Book: A Comprehensive Question and Answer Study Review Book for the Physician Assistant National Certifying and Recertifying Examination:

    • Rating: ★★★★☆

    • This question book offers a comprehensive selection of PANCE and PANRE-style questions with detailed answers. Use this resource to reinforce your knowledge and identify any gaps in your understanding. Create timed quizzes and challenge yourself with mixed-topic practice exams.

  3. Lange Q&A Physician Assistant Examination

    • Rating: ★★★★☆

    • With over 1,300 exam-style questions, this question-and-answer format book is perfect for self-assessment. It also provides detailed explanations for each answer, helping you grasp the reasoning behind correct responses. Use this book for regular self-quizzing, simulate real exam conditions by timing yourself, and identify weak areas that need further review.

  4. Pearls of Wisdom: Physician Assistant Exam Review:

    • Rating: ★★★★☆

    • This comprehensive review book covers all the essential topics required for the PA certification exam including 4000+ high-yield questions that cover all core PA competencies. It includes in-depth explanations, tables, and illustrations to aid understanding. Use this book as a primary study resource, going through each chapter diligently, and reinforce your knowledge with the practice questions at the end of each section.

  5. Physician Assistant Review:

    • Rating: ★★★★☆

    • With comprehensive content coverage and practice exams, this book is an excellent tool for a thorough review. Structure your study plan based on the NCCPA exam blueprint and use this book for in-depth content exploration. Take the practice exams to assess your readiness and identify areas that require additional attention. The Companion website includes 1000 practice questions, and 360-question comprehensive exam.

  6. PANCE/PANRE Flash Review:

    • Rating: ★★★★☆

    • This pocket-sized flashcard book is ideal for quick review sessions on the go. It includes key medical facts and essential concepts, making it easy to reinforce your knowledge during short breaks or commutes. Use the flashcards to quiz yourself on critical information to maintain your recall ability.

  7. Physician Assistant Exam For Dummies:

    • Rating: ★★★★☆

    • This user-friendly guide provides a thorough review of the exam topics in an accessible manner. It is particularly useful for candidates who prefer a less intimidating review resource. Use this book to get an overview of the exam content and build your foundational knowledge. Includes 300 flashcards and you can take 4 practice tests (with 1500 practice test questions) on the companion CD.

  8. Physician Assistant Board Review: Certification and Recertification:

    • Rating: ★★★★☆

    • In addition to comprehensive content coverage, this book includes a substantial number of practice questions. Use the book's practice exams to simulate the real exam environment and assess your performance. Focus on the explanations to gain a deeper understanding of the concepts being tested. Has 200 questions and answers with rationales, plus two, 300-question test banks online.


Final notes

Here we explored a comprehensive list of recommended books, covering various medical specialties, and practice question review books to bolster your preparation for the Canadian PA certification exam.


I am a Canadian trained and certified Physician Assistant working in Orthopaedic Surgery. I founded the Canadian PA blog as a way to raise awareness about the role and impact on the health care system.

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